Home Shows Living 757

Urban Growers are Hometown Heroes

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At Living 757, we love to showcase the people who are making a difference right here in our back yards- also known as our hometown heroes!


On this specific segment, we are welcoming a few friends from the Petersburg League of Urban Growers. Tyrone Cherry is one of their urban farmers, and he helps explain what the FDA considers a “food desert” is.


You may live in a food dessert if grocery stores are few and far between in your location!


The Petersburg Oasis Community Farm is part of the solution to living in one of the food deserts!


They also take care of animals on the fully functional farm.


Part of the services that the farm offers the community are teaching members of the community how to be part of the solution when it comes to food desserts.

For more information about the Petersburg League of Urban Growers visit their website at https://linktr.ee/growwiththeplug

Make sure you call Bud’s Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Electric for all of your needs!

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