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Holiday Safety Tips from Asbury Electric!

Sponsored by Asbury Electric

The holidays are a time full of happiness and joy, but sometimes the holidays turn into a nightmare, due to Christmas decorations being improperly plugged in!

In this segment, brought to you by Asbury Electric, we learn all about ways to keep your family safe and happy while still enjoying holiday decor.

First of all, make sure you aren’t plugging in too many things into one outlet.  If there are four outlets, you can only plug 4 things in. Don’t overload your outlets!

When it comes to Christmas lights, you have to make sure you aren’t overloading those outlets, and keep an eye on all of the lights to ensure nothing is overheating.

And while we are on the subject of heating, make sure if you are using a space heater- someone is present at all times! It’s the safest to unplug them when not in use.

Also for the ladies- be sure not to leave curling irons or flat irons plugged in!

A few more helpful tips:

  • Make sure your smoke detectors are working, and check the batteries frequently
  • If replacing a lightbulb, turn off the power at the source to alleviate the risk of electric shock and fire
  • Do not plug one extension chord into another one. It’s a fire hazard to connect more than one extension chord to another!

If you need any help with your electric, please be sure to call our friends at Asbury Electric to help.

You can also visit their website, at https://asburyelectric.com/

Or connect with them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/AsburyElectricGloucester/

Finally, you can follow them on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asburypower/

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