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Celebrate National Safe Digging Day with Virginia 811!

Sponsored by Virginia 811

Quincy put on his helmet and his reflective vest, and headed on site to meet up with our friends from Virginia 811. This visit is a special one, because they are celebrating 811 Day, aka National Safe Digging Day!


Also known as National Safe Digging Day, 811 Day is a great opportunity to bring awareness to why it’s so important to contact Virginia 811 before you do any digging in your yard.

Virginia 811

It’s important for a plethora of reasons, the main ones being not knowing what’s below can be both a safety issue and a damage prevention issue.

Contacting Virginia 811 before you dig can prevent:

  • Loss of life
  • Interruption of service
  • Destruction of property
  • Being held financially liable for damaging utilities


When Virginia 811 marks or flags your property, that tells you there are utilities under the ground where marked. They encourage homeowners and contractors to avoid digging near or on top of them!

Virginia 811

To find out more about 811 Day and the process of having Virginia 811 come out to mark your property, watch the video in full.

safe digging

For more information or to submit a request to have your yard marked, visit their website at https://va811.com/

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