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Back to School Safety with Huffman & Huffman

Sponsored by Huffman & Huffman

The Summer is quickly winding down, and kids are heading back to school!

That entails more people on sidewalks and in crosswalks, and more cars and buses on the roads. This can be a recipe for chaos!

schoolThankfully we had our friend Attorney Zach Hutchinson from Huffman & Huffman in to tell us lots of tips for making back to school season, a safe one.

This time of year, there is usually an uptick in the number of pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, and school bus accidents! Drivers need to be aware and be vigilant when it comes to paying attention to the road and its surroundings.

safetyOne of the most important things we can do as drivers, is to pay attention and don’t drive while distracted.

The question on many parents minds is then- how can we keep our kids safe? Attorney Hutchinson says the best way to keep them safe is to talk to them. Talk to them about their route if they are walking or riding bikes. And for kids riding the school bus- talk to them about crosswalk safety.

huffmanWatch the full video for more tips, and also wait until the end to see how Quincy and Zach do when they try to sing the Huffman & Huffman jingle!

If you or a family member is injured in an accident, make sure you call Huffman & Huffman and let their family, help your family.

schoolFor more information visit their website at  https://www.huffmanhuffman.com/.

You can also connect with them on Facebook at  https://www.facebook.com/HuffmanandHuffman

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