In today’s hectic times, even children experience stress. But how can we, as parents, guide them through the difficult times?
Talk Therapy
First, talk to your kids and ask them if they are feeling overwhelmed by anything in their lives. Explain that it’s okay to feel this way. Encourage them to talk things through and to use words that clearly identify emotions like angry or sad.
Stress Prevention
Manage the stress before it results in a meltdown. Make sure your kids have unstructured playtime, a full night’s sleep, get physical activity during the day, and limit screen time.
If you see your child is stressed have them take a few deep breaths. Or give them a hug. The comfort of physical contact is one of the best stress-relievers available.
Creating coping strategies now is a proactive way to protect kids from a negative impact later.
For more information on childhood stress management, go to