Post-Accident Advice with Huffman & Huffman
Knowing what to do when you get into a crash can hopefully put your mind at ease. It can also keep you from making costly mistakes in the moments immediately following a crash!
Fall Fright Fest on YurView
Fall Fright Fest: Curated selection of Halloween movie classics from October 2nd to October 30th on YurView.
EMTs Share How Safe Driving Saves Lives
The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles’ Local Hero Series is back again, and it features real statewide first responders- who are in the act of responding to a car crash.
2024 Arizona GameTime High School Football Photo Galleries
The 2022 Arizona GameTime high school football schedule is in full swing, and YurView is covering the top teams and matchups throughout the season. Be sure to check back weekly as we highlight upcoming games with a photo gallery of the top plays and players from each game.
Home Renovations to Pro Soccer: Changes in New England
Change is Constant. Ironic, but true. And change comes in all shapes and sizes. From home renovations or relocations to job reassignments and school...
What’s Happening Vegas? – September 2024
The weather in September is beautiful, with average daily highs in the 90’s and cooling off in the evenings into the 70’s and even 60’s. The pools are still open and they seem to be less crowded with school back in session.
Local Hero Speaks to the Impact of Safe Driving
Every year, drivers make bad decisions on our roadways, which can result in horrific car crashes. Safe driving could help to avoid a large number of these crashes.
FC Tulsa vs Louisville City FC | Live Stream
Watch a live stream of FC Tulsa vs Louisville City FC - Saturday, September 14th, 2024 at 7:30 pm CT. Live Stream is only available in Oklahoma.
FC Tulsa vs Las Vegas Lights FC | Live Stream
Watch a live stream of FC Tulsa vs Las Vegas Lights FC - Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 at 7:30 pm CT. Live Stream is only available in Oklahoma.
Back to School Safety with Huffman & Huffman
This time of year, there is usually an uptick in the number of pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, and school bus accidents! Drivers need to be aware and be vigilant when it comes to paying attention to the road and its surroundings.