Home Shows Locally New England

Autumn Affairs: Sports, Theater, & Community in New England

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New England neighbors, if you haven’t noticed, we’re rapidly heading toward autumn. These last couple of summer weeks are technically “Squeeze Time” — a time to squeeze in all the summer activities we either didn’t do or want to redo before next year.

Or perhaps better yet, take the time to lay back on that yard hammock and reflect upon the change that’s at our doorstep. Leisurely hours will soon be replaced by the structure, planning, and organization that comes with September.

“Locally New England” is here to help you bridge that gap and ease into the new season. We’re giving you a small nudge toward what’s on the horizon in the Ocean State this autumn.

The Rhode Island Interscholastic League

The Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL) is ready to kick into gear as soon as that first school bell rings. League Executive Director Mike Lunney joins hosts Cheryl Nelson and Joe Guarneri to preview exciting changes coming to the organization this year.



Don’t be surprised to see your middle school student-athlete suddenly polishing up their Cruyff turns and tempo runs. For the first time since its debut in 1932, the RIIL has added middle school sports to its roster. Boys’ and girls’ soccer and cross country are the first two sports coming to the 61 participating middle schools.

Lunney also discusses the pride the RIIL takes in their focus beyond the playing field. “It’s not just about the games and the championships, which is really what we’re kind of known for, but we try to educate the whole athlete, the whole student,” he points out.


Trinity Rep: Did Someone Say “A Christmas Carol” Already?

Athletics isn’t the only area that heats up as the temperature begins to cool down. The arts come alive as fall approaches as well. Last time on “Locally New England,” Trinity Repertory Company’s Executive Director, Katie Liberman, joined us to preview the company’s season opener, “POTUS: Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive.”



Katie’s back with us in this edition to round out the rest of Trinity Rep’s upcoming season, including some explosive news about this year’s production of “A Christmas Carol.” It’s going to feature the Trinity Rep Company like you’ve never seen them before.


Burrillville Prevention Action Coalition: Nipping Substance Abuse In The Bud

“Locally New England” heads up to the Great White North — well, Rhode Island’s Great White North anyway: Burrillville — to check in on the Burrillville Prevention Action Coalition, a volunteer organization dedicated to helping youth make better choices and preventing youth substance abuse in the town. As the new school year is set to begin this autumn, the organization is prepared to ramp up activity.


Burrillville Prevention Action Coalition


One tool in the group’s arsenal is a mock car crash. Burrillville High Senior Kaitlyn Fleming explains that the idea is to simulate a crash “to show [the students] the real impact that driving under the influence using alcohol or other substances could have on your life.”


Burrillville Prevention Action Coalition


Special Olympics Rhode Island: Paving The Way For Inclusion, Acceptance And Respect For All.

The “Special Olympics Rhode Island Unified Champion Schools” program is built upon nurturing a community that is based upon inclusion, acceptance and respect for all. Ed Pacheco, President and CEO, Special Olympics RI explains, “The program “takes [SORI’s] sports component and combines it with curriculum that fosters activities within a respective school …  which support an environment that is built on those three specific areas of importance.”


“SORI Unified Champion Schools” program students


Leah Volcy, a Johnston High Senior Unified Partner, whose brother Carldjon’n is a Unified Athlete, nails one of the tenets of the entire experience by pointing out that, “The students have a range of disabilities, but it’s what makes them them.”


Special Olympics Rhode Island Unified Champion Schools” curriculum


The “Locally New England” camera crew recently visited Johnston Public Schools, the first district in Rhode Island that features an elementary, middle and high school involved in the effort.


Tune in to “Locally New England.”  Catch Cheryl and Joe on YurView, Cox Channel 4…

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