Meet Erika Obando- a speaker and transformational coach. Learn how her journey makes her uniquely qualified to coach others.
Joining Dr. Liz on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected is Meighan Pribesh. Meighan is an accomplished nurse with years of experience, and she is going to help shed some light on the mental health side of working in labor and delivery.
A specialized role in the field is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, or BCBA, and the focus of this role is to provide support to individuals with behavior concerns, and their families. Joining Dr. Fedrick on this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected is Hannah Durbin. Hannah is the Lead BCBA at Behaven Kids.
On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected, join Dr. Liz as she explains the relationship between grief and loss, how they relate, how to navigate them for yourself, and how to support others struggling.
Sober living is a lifestyle choice, where the person chooses to abstain from any mind-altering substances. What many may not know, is that it isn’t always an addiction or a problem that prompts someone to live a sober lifestyle.
Social anxiety is defined as is a type of anxiety disorder that causes extreme fear in social settings. People with social anxiety have issues talking to new people, meeting new people, and attending social functions-both big and small. They fear being judged by others, which everyone does to an extent. But with social anxiety, the fear is immense.
On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected we visit one of these categories, Pure Obsessional OCD. Our guest is Reed Rickards, a writer and copywriter who suffers from “Pure O OCD."
On this episode of Calm, Cool and Connected, follow along as Dr. Liz explains four red flags to domestic violence, and what to do if you suspect you might be experiencing domestic violence in your relationship.
Many people think of attachment styles as a new trend, but the concept goes all the way back to the 1960’s! Attachment styles are defined as characteristic patterns for how people relate to others in close relationships. Alexa Bailey is going to help break down attachment styles’ role in relationships.
June is PRIDE Month, which is a time for the LGBTQ+ community to celebrate that love comes in all forms. Joining us to talk about all things PRIDE is psychologist Dr. Greg Cason.

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