Home Authors Posts by Kaye Robinson

Kaye Robinson

Kaye Robinson
how to stop bullying

Helpful Tips on How to Tackle Bullying

Some of my first memories were of my mother reading to me. As a young child coaxing me to take a nap could be a challenge for my mother. Reading me a story was a trick. With luck, a nap would result. Two books were readily available for our daily ritual; a Bible storybook...
back to school

How to Be Sure Your Child is Ready for Back to School

By Kaye Robinson "Spring has sprung. Fall has fell. Summer is here and it's hotter than usual." When my friends and I started reciting that little piece of “poetry" it was usually around the end of June in Phoenix. It signaled summer vacation was half over. It also signaled back to school was just around the...
summer programs

School’s Out for Summer – How to keep your child engaged

By Kaye Robinson School is out and summer is in! On that last day of school my friends and I would walk home and make our plans for the summer. Growing up in Phoenix, 60 years ago, in the shadow of South Mountain had its perks. At the top of our list were the seemingly endless...
Volunteer Opportunities

Inspirations: Spotlighting Volunteer Opportunities in Your Community

The day started out as a typical day. I was running errands and decided I needed some caffeine to keep me motivated, so I stopped at the first place with a drive through. I placed my order and waited, somewhat impatiently, for the two or three cars in front of me to move through...

The Excitement and Fascination of STEM in Our Everyday Lives

STEM is something we should all be excited about! Science, Technology, Engineering and Math are not the scary or overwhelming disciplines only studied in school or practiced exclusively in elite careers. STEM is everywhere! It's not just for doctors and rocket scientists, but chefs and firefighters all need STEM. STEM is more than a catchy...