Riverside ChooseHome
Riverside’s ChooseHome program is a program that allows people to safely stay in their homes safely and comfortably. It gives people the luxury of being able to choose home!
Meet Hannah
Hannah Barton is a Personal Services Coordinator for Riverside ChooseHome. She explains that with ChooseHome, people enter the program when they are healthy- and then the program helps them as their needs change.
When someone joins, one of the first things that Riverside does is a complete walk through of their home, and a safety assessment. It’s important because after a surgery, patients can return to their own homes and recover comfortably.
As a personal services coordinator, Hannah’s job is to help coordinate the functional and psychosocial needs of ChooseHome members, as they age. She says through her personal experience, she realized how important it is to have someone speak out on people’s behalf when it comes to healthcare.
Brad’s Story
Brad Crawford and his wife have been ChooseHome members for about four years. He says the program just seemed like a great fit for them!
Brad says that about 6 months after joining ChooseHome, his wife was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. She went through radiation, and then was told that surgery was next. After her surgery, Brad went completely blank while speaking to a hospital discharge nurse. In stepped Hannah!
ChooseHome helps coordinate all aspects of care- from medical providers, to home hospice, and even other family members. They get to know program members on a personal level, which is monumental when going through huge life obstacles.
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